Bright Circle Herbcraft

Bright Circle Herbcraft

Honoring the Connection Between
People, Plants, Land  and  Spirit 




As herbs help us heal ourselves and maintain vitality, we gain a new knowledge of the body we live in.   Personal health decisions become more informed and energized when we are our own first source of care, health, and healing. 









These are the real teachers.  Many of the hormones and patterns of our physiology were expressed first in plants.  They live life in the elements, often enduring extremes of heat, cold, wet, dry, and insect predators that they must protect themselves from.  Born of that, their medicines have impact, and they teach us their ancient wisdom of connection.



We are not separate from the land we live on.  We attune to it’s seasons and the flavor of food that grows there.  The bacteria in it’s dirt are a part of us, and we would die without them.  Working with herbs fosters compassion for the plants and their communities.   We give to the land when we foster practices that nurture it, and it gives itself to us as food and medicine.  When we eat only whole, unpolluted foods, we withdraw energy from the polluters.  As we heal the land, that healing returns to us.




As we learn from the herbs, we consciously connect to the earth in ways that we had forgotten we knew…. slowing the frantic pace a little, and treating ourselves to deep nourishment from root and leaf and flower.  We attune to the plants that heal us, knowing ourselves as part of the web of life — and of deeper medicines than merely something that we ingest.  We come into harmony with the lunar and solar cycles, and return to wonder.




These connections are woven into herbal medicine.  When we work with plants to heal ourselves, we also contribute to earth-healing, and all the effects feed each other. I see them as a circle of mutually reinforcing parts, and so Bright Circle Herbcraft was born. The harmony between people, plants, land, and spirit is itself a profound medicine. We benefit, and so does our environment, in a circle of  giving where each part nurtures the whole.